Our Mission
Create spaces for God's grace to form life-changing relationships with Christ and each other across lines of prejudice and privilege.
Sudanese Arabic translation, by Joseph Jok:
رسالة كنيسة القديس لوقا هي خلق مساحات لنعمة الله لتكوين علاقة مع المسيح ومع البعض يفضي لتغير الحياة عبر حواجز التحيز والامتياز
Swahili translation, by Joseph Ekyoci:
Lengo la kanisa la st luke ni kuunda na fasi ili neema ya Mungu iweze kubadirisha mausiano yetu na Christo na kwetu sisi wengine wote tusiichi katika njia za Mapendeleo na ubaguzi.
Our Values
We are a community of:
Rich diversity: We trust God’s in-breaking Reign to be filled with the widest array of languages, cultures, and peoples -- all of whom are beloved children of God. We reject the labels society uses to divide us in order to maintain the privileges of some at the expense of others. We discover the truth of our own God-granted power and society-granted privilege and use them together, with Christ’s help, to move beyond the nightmares of our own devising and into the dream of God’s intending.
Warm hospitality: We welcome all God’s children home in all that we say and do, and we carry that hospitality out into the world through our openness to inviting those we meet into a relationship with God and St. Luke’s.
Joyful trust: We are grounded by our trust in God, and we worship God with praise, joy, and spirit-filled music.
Curious courage: We ask God for the courage to take risks, and we care for and learn from each other when we fail. Before we ask others to do something we have done it ourselves, and we encourage and support each other as we wonder new possibilities into being and tackle them together.
Life-changing relationships: Our improbable and transformative walks with Jesus give us the strength, patience, and humility to overcome the awkwardness and misunderstandings of new relationships across lines of privilege and prejudice. Such friendships with God and each other change our lives in heartbreaking and glorious ways.
Healed wellbeing: God created us and this world so that all creation might thrive, and we seek to live this truth out as fully as we can, with God’s and each other’s help, by taking responsibility and making provision for the flourishing of our minds, bodies, hearts, and souls. We strive to create safe and transformative spaces for healing and recovery from the abuses and wounds the world and its systems of oppression have thrown our way in this trying life.
Nurtured Creation: We receive God’s creation as sheer gift and give thanks to God for its life-giving goodness. God calls us to serve as stewards and advocates on behalf of this gift. We will cherish and delight in the natural wonders of this world and do everything in our individual and shared power to preserve and protect the beauty and integrity of this fragile earth that we all call home.
Our Rule of Life
Jesus says to each of us, “Follow me.” So we try our best to follow. Here’s how:
We pray daily. We strive to make more and more space to be with God in conversation, contemplation, and loving action.
We gather weekly. On Sundays we encounter Christ in the breaking open of the bread and the Word as a larger body of faith. During the week we gather in smaller discipleship groups to share the joys and challenges of our walk with God.
We live generously. All that we have and all that we are belongs to God, so we aspire to live courageous and generous lives that reflect that truth. Jesus invites those of us with worldly power to give it away as we bless others, and those of us with little power in this world to follow him out of the empty tomb and into newly abundant life.
We share our stories. We name God’s grace working around us and share those stories with those whom we befriend.
We walk this path humbly and when we fall we help each other back up again. In our experience, these practices set us free to live the fullest lives God dreams for each of us.
And no matter who you are and where you are on your journey of faith -- you are welcome to participate fully in all that we do here.