Sunday's Confession of Sin
The Rev. Laurel Mathewson adapts the United Church of Christ’s "Prayers for Racial Justice Sunday" to the images of the justice march past St. Luke's #NorthPark #SanDiego Please click here.
A Prayer for the County and Country
The Rev. Colin Mathewson of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in San Diego's North Park neighborhood offers the opening invocation to the County Board of Supervisors meeting on May 19, 2020.
Please click here.
Are We All In This Together?
Fr. Colin's sermon on the Sixth Sunday of Easter (May 17, 2020) through the online worship of St. Luke's North Park in San Diego. Please click here.
Souces of Life, Sources of Hope
Since we’re in this craziness for the long haul, let’s reflect on what’s going to sustain us through it. Where is there hope in your life right now? Where is there life or joy? Please click here.
Sit, Walk, Stand
Some reflections on Watchman Nee’s classic book, Sit, Walk, Stand as it relates to our relationship to God in the midst of the mess around us.
Noticing Our Shepherd at Work
In this Fourth Week of Easter we are invited to encounter the Risen Christ as a gentle shepherd and guide in our life. Please click here.
Watching and Witnessing, Not Saving or Creating
What are we to do with our days as Christians? Watchman Nee, a famous Chinese evangelist, and the disciples James and Philip, whom we commemorate this day, remind us that our first job is to sit beside Christ in His glory and rest in His presence. Please click here.
The desert: is this where true faith begins?
The Rev. Laurel Mathewson: When it’s been 6 weeks and we’re still in the desert.... Please click here.
Are we Thriving?
The Rev. Colin Mathewson: In John 10:10, Jesus says that he has come so that we may have abundant life. Is that what you’re experiencing right now?
Please click here.