Thank you to the many individuals, families, and foundations who are making this dream to build a North Park Community Kitchen possible!
$20,000 and higher
United Thank Offering of the Episcopal Church
Christ Episcopal Church, Day School and Thrift Shop, Coronado
Price Philanthropies Foundation
The Parker Foundation (Grant & Inez Grant Parker)
Moxie Foundation
The Society of St. Paul
Dick and Debbie Thorn
Catherine and Michael Thiemann
The St. Augustine Foundation
$10,000 and higher
Hervey Family Fund at The San Diego Foundation
Lance and Laura Alworth
$4,000 and higher
The Women of St. James Episcopal Church, La Jolla
Glen Daugherty
Marian Gaston and David Fitzgerald
Donna Perdue and Calvin Johnson
Community Kitchen Club
33 generous gifts from individuals and families like you!
This list is current as of May 7, 2018.