Ash Wednesday is February 22: Noon & 6 p.m. services
The season of Lent begins on February 22, as we begin our preparations for the mysteries of Easter by remembering the certainty of our bodily death, alongside the depths of God’s love. We’ll have a simple (30 minute) noonday service, and a one-hour service in partnership with Renew church, including music, at 6 p.m.
Ashes-to-Go Invitation
Did you know that you don’t have to be ordained to help distribute the ashes on Ash Wednesday? If you’re available and interested on Wednesday morning from 8:30-10:30 a.m., you’re invited to join Fr. Colin, Mtr. Laurel, and Pastor Matt as they make their way into North Park to share ashes (and often a prayer) with people who would like to receive them.
“The Unvarnished Jesus” Bible Study
Sunday Mornings, 10-11 a.m. in the corner office
February 26 - March 26 (5 sessions)
Our congregational devotional for Lent is The Unvarnished Jesus: A Lenten Journey by Brian Zahnd, with daily meditations and scripture readings that focus on the second half of Jesus’ ministry, as he draws near to Jerusalem and the events of Holy Week. Each Wednesday we’ll select one or two of the scriptures to contemplate more deeply together. Email [email protected] to sign up.
Midweek / Midday Prayer: Wednesdays at Noon
Wednesdays, 12-12:30 p.m. on ZOOM; Click here to enter meeting on Zoom.
The three essential practices of Lent are praying, fasting, and giving. We’ll seek to anchor our prayer practice with a 30-minute gathering in the middle of week, March 1- April 5. You’ll still have time for lunch, or you could even join in on your midday walk! No sign up required.